Here at Whistling Oaks Kikos we pride ourselves on raising quality meat goats. To accomplish our goals we have chosen the Kiko breed of goat. Our focus is to provide breeding stock and replacement goats for Kiko breeders, stock is made available to commercial herds wanting to add the benefits of the Kiko breed, and most importantly to develop quality meat goats for consumers who simply want meat. The Kiko is a breed of meat goat originating from New Zealand. Kiko comes from the Māori word for meat. The Kiko breed was developed in the 1980s by Garrick and Anne Batten, who cross-bred local feral goats with imported dairy goat bucks of the Anglo-Nubian, Saanen, and Toggenburg breeds. So why did we settle on Kiko’s? After much research and through our experience with multiple goat types we’ve found that the Kiko offers improved hardiness, parasite resistance, and outstanding growth rate. The hands-on requirements to provide care is limited as Kiko’s are outstanding mothers which rear their offspring without much, if any, intervention.                                                        If you are interested in what we have available or just want to “talk goats” you can reach us via our contact page. 


Cedar Grove, TN